Gnome sweet gnome

You did it! You manifested Danny’s discharge date. After 22 days, he was finally discharged from the hospital on Monday, December 12!

Danny’s third week in the hospital was the most challenging. The isolation, exhaustion, and frustration really set in. Our good friends Norm & Shannon visited Danny during week three and left behind some “friends” to keep Danny company in those final, wearisome days.

We named them (left to right) Smiley, Pepe, and Kevin.

Thank you, Norm and Shannon, for your continued support and always adding some much-needed fun and humor to an otherwise dismal situation. We love and cherish you guys!

Smiley, Pepe, and Kevin inspired the welcome home chalkboard I created for Danny. It was the first thing he saw when he walked through the door.

Being at home is blissful for Danny! He is so happy to sleep in his own bed, watch a tv that’s bigger than 20 inches, get up and move around without dragging an IV behind him, and snuggle with our cat Emmett.

While we’re celebrating our time at home, we know that another hospital stay is imminent. Danny requires another round of treatment. His first round of chemotherapy was what is referred to as “induction therapy.” The goal of this first round is to kill all the AML (acute myeloid leukemia) cells. Danny had a bone marrow biopsy yesterday. The results of that biopsy will tell us how good of a job the induction therapy did. If it did a good job of killing the bad AML cells, he will then move on to “consolidation therapy”. The goal of consolidation chemotherapy is to prevent the AML cells from returning until the bone marrow transplant happens.

Consolidation therapy is typically given in the hospital over several days and repeated every 4-6 weeks. We’ll find out this week when Danny is due for his first round of consolidation chemo.

In the meantime, we plan to enjoy as much time together at home as possible. We will get in some good Netflix binging, relaxation, cuddles with Emmett, and eating food that doesn’t come from a hospital cafeteria!

Keep those prayers, positive manifestations, healing vibes & energy, and good juju coming. Leave us your comments below!






19 responses to “Gnome sweet gnome”

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    I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

  14. Sylvia Avatar


  15. Ted Levin Avatar
    Ted Levin

    “There’s no place like home…. There’s no place like home” -Dorothy

    Keep saying it and clicking your slippers together man, it’ll happen 👠👠

  16. Dale & Lorna Marsh Avatar
    Dale & Lorna Marsh

    Whoohoo! SO glad you’re back home!
    Danny, remember that badass train horn you had on the Scion ? Yeah, that one. The one that could be heard probably a freaking mile away.
    You’re waaaay more badass than that horn ever thought about being!
    Sending positive, energizing, healing thoughts and vibes your way. ❤️

  17. PJ Avatar

    This makes me so happy! I am also amazed by Jen’s artistic talents – your gnomenclature is spot on! We will keep the prayers coming. We love you guys!

  18. Robyn Gregory Avatar
    Robyn Gregory

    So glad you guys get some at-home time. Nothing better than your own bed and your own bathroom!

  19. Craig Handler Avatar
    Craig Handler

    “…watch a TV that’s bigger than 20 inches…”

    Love that not even cancer can get in the way of first world problems!

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