On Behalf of Jen

I’m very sorry to say that Danny passed away yesterday morning, June 16.

Memorial plans will be posted as soon as there is more information.

– Robyn Gregory, friend / colleague






20 responses to “On Behalf of Jen”

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    Fantastic perspective! I found myself nodding along. For additional info, click here: LEARN MORE. What’s everyone’s take?

  8. tim doll Avatar
    tim doll

    My heart is so heavy with this news. Danny was such an amazing and inspiring human being. My love and prayers are with those he left behind.

  9. Dwayne Calk Avatar
    Dwayne Calk

    So, so saddened to hear this news. Jen I’m so sorry! I dunno what else to say. Danny was a top notch guy. Met him over 30 years ago. I’m just so sorry for you and his family. 💙

  10. Go-Go Ray Avatar
    Go-Go Ray


    My condolences to you and the family.

    I will miss Danny.


  11. Valerie Vela Avatar
    Valerie Vela

    I’m so, so sorry to hear this news about Danny. I never got to meet Danny but I know he was an amazing person just by the way you talked about him. Sending you lots of hugs and love. Prayers and condolences to your families and loved ones.

  12. Mike Watson Avatar
    Mike Watson


    We are absolutely heartbroken to hear about Danny. We’ll continue to send you positive thoughts in this time of grief.

    Mike and Michelle

  13. Brent Rippy Avatar
    Brent Rippy

    2 years at Parkhill and 3 years at Pearce HS with Danny. We would play together during lunch in which he would tear up anyone on drums, especially me. He did teach me to play double bass better. I grew up a lot during those years I knew him. I remember when we both went to the audition at Pearce. He made the bass line at first, but was quickly moved to tenors when the year started. He was very talented and was a hilarious person to be around. I have some pictures of us playing for the Pearce drumline. He also designed our Sophmore and Junior Tshirts. He loved heavy metal and drew lots of Megadeath Metallica album covers in school. Still have those shirts. Very talented artist. Jen, I never got to meet you, but my prayers are there for you. God Bless You.

  14. Will Farrow Avatar
    Will Farrow

    My heart is broken that you’re gone but I’m SO happy that I knew you.
    My deepest condolences to Jen and all his family.

  15. Monica Coney Avatar
    Monica Coney

    We are heartbroken to hear the news. Prayers for you Jen and all who loved and were blessed to know Danny. Big hug my friend. Love, Monica & Steve

  16. Lisa Letchworth Avatar
    Lisa Letchworth

    I am heartbroken. Sending all my love to you, Jen. And to all who knew and loved Danny.

  17. Michael A. Hernandez Avatar
    Michael A. Hernandez

    I tell myself Danny is now pain free and whole again. Lay that beat, snicka, we’re listening. Love to Jen and the Handler family. Danny’s circle is ready to help.

  18. Robert Anderson Avatar
    Robert Anderson

    So sorry to hear of this. As we all know, Danny was an incredible musician/drummer, a great friend and husband and, most importantly, an incredible human.
    Jen, if you need anything know there is an army here ready to help.
    Condolences and great memories of one of the best.

  19. Sylvia Lewis Avatar
    Sylvia Lewis

    My heart is incredibly heavy. I’m so sorry. Sending lots of hugs and prayers for comfort. Hang in there, sweet lady.

  20. Ted Levin Avatar
    Ted Levin

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Danny was such an inspiration and influence on me, he made me a better musician for which I am forever grateful. I will always have his laugh and smile in my head and heart. The times we shared on stage, and all the traveling, the uncontrollable laughter. He was someone I could relate to as a fellow Jew and New Yorker. I’m moving to Queens in a week and promise to bring as much of his brilliant chutzpah with me as I can muster. He will always be a brother. My deepest condolences.

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